design-pattern - 组合模式


  • 从来代码来看,完全就是一颗树的实现
  • 所有的子节点和叶子节点都可以处理数据,但叶子节点为终点
  • 你希望用户可以忽略组合对象与单个对象的不同,统一地使用组合结构中的所有对象时,就应该考虑使用组合模式
  • 用户不用关心到底是处理一个叶节点还是处理一个组合组件,也就用不着为定义组合而写一些选择判断语句了
  • 组合模式可以让客户一致性地使用组合结构和单个对象




 * 抽象出来的组合节点声明,在适当情况下实现所有类的公共接口的缺省行为,是所有子节点的父类。

abstract class Component
    protected $name;

    public function __construct($name){
        $this->name = $name;

    abstract public function Operation(int $depth);

    abstract public function Add(Component $component);

    abstract public function Remove(Component $component);

class Composite extends Component
    private $componentList;

    public function Operation(int $depth)
        echo str_repeat('-', $depth) . $this->name . PHP_EOL;
        foreach ($this->componentList as $component) {
            $component->Operation($depth + 2);

    public function Add(Component $component)
        $this->componentList[] = $component;

    public function Remove(Component $component)
        $position = 0;
        foreach ($this->componentList as $child) {
            if ($child == $component) {
                array_splice($this->componentList, ($position), 1);

    public function GetChild(int $i)
        return $this->componentList[$i];

 * 具体的节点实现类,保存下级节点的引用,定义实际的节点行为。

class Leaf extends Component
    public function Add(Component $c)
        echo 'Cannot add to a leaf' . PHP_EOL;

    public function Remove(Component $c)
        echo 'Cannot remove from a leaf' . PHP_EOL;

    public function Operation(int $depth)
        echo str_repeat('-', $depth) . $this->name . PHP_EOL;

$root = new Composite("root");
$root->Add(new Leaf("Leaf A"));
$root->Add(new Leaf("Leaf B"));

$comp = new Composite("Composite X");
$comp->Add(new Leaf("Leaf XA"));
$comp->Add(new Leaf("Leaf XB"));


$comp2 = new Composite("Composite XY");
$comp2->Add(new Leaf("Leaf XYA"));
$comp2->Add(new Leaf("Leaf XYB"));


$root->Add(new Leaf("Leaf C"));

$leaf = new Leaf("Leaf D");




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